“Just a point of interest for anyone that might be curious. The picture shows something hanging from the starboard anchor. This occurred in 1964/65, but we were anchored off of Little Creek at the time doing some amphib operations, and the State was in the process of building the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. We weighed anchor and this thing was attached to the starboard anchor. We think it was one of the tanks that were used at the time to float portions of the bridge tunnel out to the construction site. We couldn’t free it as it was hung on one of the flukes of the anchor. We ended up steaming back into the anchorage off of the Naval Station at the time and got a barge to extract the tank from the anchor.” Click here for an additional picture.
Story by John Kolenda.
Adm. Matthew Moffit (son of the late Adm. Lloyd Moffit) was kind enough to share many photos taken by his father during the Telfair's 1966-67 Med Cruise when he was our captain. "Captain" Moffit was an avid aviator, and some of the pictures are aerial views of ports visited. Many memories of places and sites visited.
Life Magazine, January 13, 1967. On the Miscellany page (last page) there appears a photograph of a Marine carrying an ironing board up the brow. Click here to view full magazine page and article accompanying the photo.
Officers Photo -- Hong Kong 1952
The Cliffs of Kobe Sho, August 1955. Click here for the story by Dick Tarlton
Actress Carroll Baker helped Telfair celebrate the holidays in Naples in 1966. Click here for larger photo.
Carroll Baker Arriving!
Click here for larger photo.
NOB Norfork -- July 1964
FC2 Dan Carney and his crew mate Don Davis took these
photographs during WWII. The photographs show crew members and some of the damage caused by the kamikaze attack of April 2, 1945
(click on photos for slideshow and description text).
Dan Carney was a fire controlman on the stern port 40 MM. He served on Telfair from new construction through the end of WWII.
Dan passed away in 2002.
Courtesy of Larry G. Fields...
"It was the 1967 Med cruise. I was a L/CPL, 2nd MarDiv Truck Company. We had just put out to sea. Some of us were on the fantail cleaning our rifles. This "sailor" wearing an international orange jump suit, brown dress shoes, and Marine Corp utility cover came on the fantail. One of our new NCOs yelled at him, "Hey sailor, is that how you dress in the Navy?" Said "sailor" turned to face our NCO -- there was this little bird pinned on his cover! He pointed out, "I am the Captain and will dress any way I please!" It was all any of us could do to keep from busting out laughing!"
July 1956 -- Interesting story about how permission was given to take family members along on a cruise from San Diego to Hawaii. CLICK HERE for article. (Article courtesy John Tonyes)
(Courtesy Leland Alexander)
By Leland Alexander
(RM2 July ‘64 to June ‘66)
CLICK HERE for pictures
I was one of the 77th Army Division on board the Telfair on 2 April 1945. It happened so fast, I dd not have time to go below. I saw the kamikaze hit the ship and fall into the sea. I was only 19 years old. I was wounded on Okinawa.
Bob Hassewinkle - Fairhope AL
Frank Hilberer's 1966-67 Med Cruise
Rare Home Movie Footage From 1952
Robert Ennis, Jr. supplied us with the above movie footage from 1952. His father, Robert Ennis, served on the Telfair during the Korean Conflict. He is now in his 90s, living in Hawaii. Bob, Jr. said, "I have some 16mm footage that my dad shot while onboard the Telfair on what looks like a trip from San Francisco to what I think is Okinawa. Most of the film is touristy (pictures of the city, people, etc), but there are shots of naval vessels crossing the Pacific, vessels anchored in the harbor, some shots of my dad’s shipmates, and a couple of shots of the Telfair, itself."